Currency Converter

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Rate Effective Date :

  • The Calculator is for illustration purpose only.
  • The rate will be subject to change without prior notice.
  • Foreign currencies may be purchased or sold at any Seylan Bank Branch at the prevalent rate issued by the Bank.
  • Rates are for transactions below USD 5,000/- or equivalent and the rates can be negotiated for the transactions above the said amount.
  • Currency notes shall be issued subject to the availability of stocks at branches.
  • Normal Bank tariffs of charges shall apply
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Exchange Rates

All selling rates applicable for USD 1,000/- or equivalent in other currencies only.

Rates : Sri Lanka Rupees per 1 unit of Foreign currency as at: 26 Jul 2024 - 11:12AM

Currency Notes Traveller's Cheques/Drafts Telegraphic Transfers Import Bills
Type of Currency Short Code Buying Selling Buying Selling Buying Selling Selling
US Dollar
USD 297.2500 306.7500 299.0984 306.2500 300.2500 306.2500 306.7500
Sterling Pound
GBP 369.3148 398.1161 380.7190 398.1161 382.2900 398.1161 398.9124
EUR 311.4922 336.0990 321.3658 336.0990 322.6919 336.0990 336.7712
JPY 1.8666 2.0155 1.9180 2.0155 1.9259 2.0155 2.0195
Swiss Franc
CHF 324.9488 354.5687 332.2401 354.5687 333.6111 354.5687 355.2778
Australian Dollar
AUD 181.7970 203.4113 193.4073 203.4113 194.2055 203.4113 203.8181
Canadian Dollar
CAD 207.7752 225.0045 213.0422 225.0045 213.9213 225.0045 225.4545
Singapore Dollar
SGD 213.4340 232.5603 218.0001 232.5603 218.8997 232.5603 233.0254
Hongkong Dollar
HKD 35.7925 41.2170 36.3594 41.2170 36.5095 41.2170 41.2994
New Zealand Dollar
NZD 163.6313 185.0477 171.5717 185.0477 172.2797 185.0477 185.4178
Swedish Kroner
SEK 24.5470 30.5050 25.4745 30.5050 25.5797 30.5050 30.5660
Danish Kroner
DKK 38.6770 48.0646 40.0826 48.0646 40.2480 48.0646 48.1608
Chinese Renminbi
CNY 34.2265 44.1907 39.2329 44.1907 39.3948 44.1907 44.2791
Norwegian Kroner
NOK 24.0946 29.9429 25.0292 29.9429 25.1325 29.9429 30.0027
UAE Dirhams
AED 71.6673 87.5593 75.0254 87.5593 76.8725 87.5593 87.7344
Saudi Riyal
SAR  73.2300 84.3964 73.7804 84.3964 75.5968 84.3964 84.5652
Indian Rupee
INR N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.2633 3.9874 4.0272

Exchange rates are only indicative rates and subject to change according to the market levels